MySQL Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND d.draftID_PK = po.draftID_FK -- INNER JOIN zref_linesyncstate z ON z.line' at line 13
MySQL Error Nr:
SELECT c.clientID_PK, COALESCE(d1.pendingPOCnt,0) as pendingPOCnt, COALESCE(d2.pendingPriceUpdateCnt,0) as pendingPriceUpdateCnt FROM client c LEFT JOIN ( SELECT d.clientID_FK as clientID, COUNT(DISTINCT po.poID_PK) as pendingPOCnt FROM purchaseorder po INNER JOIN draft d ON d.clientID_FK = AND d.draftID_PK = po.draftID_FK -- INNER JOIN zref_linesyncstate z ON z.lineSyncDescn = 'No Changes' -- INNER JOIN purchaseorder_item pi ON pi.poID_FK = po.poID_PK AND pi.lineSyncStateID_FK <> z.lineSyncStateID_PK WHERE po.isSyncAllowed = true AND po.isSynced IS NULL AND po.isSyncedCnt < 10 HAVING clientID IS NOT NULL ) d1 ON true LEFT JOIN ( SELECT dpq.purchaser_clientID_FK as clientID, COUNT(dpq.draftID_fPK) as pendingPriceUpdateCnt FROM draft_populate_qpackage dpq WHERE dpq.purchaser_clientID_FK = AND dpq.fetchDate IS NULL HAVING clientID IS NOT NULL ) d2 ON true WHERE c.clientID_PK =
MySQL Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY po.poID_PK ) sub1 ON sub1.poID = po.poID_PK ' at line 37
MySQL Error Nr:
SELECT d.clientID_FK as clientID, po.poID_PK, po.clientID_FK as supplierID, CONCAT(po.poStr,po.poStrIteration,po.poStrIterationCredit) as poNr, DATE_FORMAT(po.poDate,'%d/%m/%y') 'poDate', d.quoteNr, IF(cal.purchaserID_fPK IS NULL,0,1) as isAccountAssociated, TRIM(REPLACE(s.clientName,'(T)','')) as supplierName, d.isBuildQuote as isManualQuote, sub2.cnt_lines_pending, sub1.cnt_lines_empty, sub1.cnt_lines_null, sub1.cnt_lines_minusone, sub1.cnt_lines_normal FROM purchaseorder po INNER JOIN draft d ON d.draftID_PK = po.draftID_FK LEFT JOIN client_account_link cal on cal.purchaserID_fPK = po.purchaserID_FK and cal.supplierID_fPK = po.clientID_FK INNER JOIN client s ON s.clientID_PK = po.clientID_FK LEFT JOIN ( SELECT po.poID_PK AS poID, COUNT(IF(di.LineNo = '', 1, NULL)) AS cnt_lines_empty, COUNT(IF(di.LineNo IS NULL, 1, NULL)) AS cnt_lines_null, COUNT(IF(di.LineNo = -1, 1, NULL)) AS cnt_lines_minusone, COUNT(IF(di.LineNo <> '' AND di.LineNo IS NOT NULL AND di.LineNo <> -1, 1, NULL)) AS cnt_lines_normal FROM purchaseorder po INNER JOIN purchaseorder_item pi ON pi.poID_FK = po.poID_PK INNER JOIN draft_supplier_price dsp ON dsp.priceID_PK = pi.priceID_FK INNER JOIN draft_item di ON di.draftItemID_PK = dsp.draftItemID_PK WHERE po.isSyncAllowed = true AND po.isSynced IS NULL AND po.isSyncedCnt < 10 AND po.purchaserID_FK = GROUP BY po.poID_PK ) sub1 ON sub1.poID = po.poID_PK LEFT JOIN ( SELECT po.poID_PK as poID, COUNT(dpq.draftID_fPK) as cnt_lines_pending FROM purchaseorder po INNER JOIN draft_populate_qpackage dpq ON dpq.draftID_fPK = po.draftID_FK AND dpq.fetchDate IS NULL WHERE po.isSyncAllowed = true AND po.isSynced IS NULL AND po.isSyncedCnt < 10 AND po.purchaserID_FK = GROUP BY poID_PK ) sub2 ON sub2.poID = po.poID_PK WHERE po.isSyncAllowed = true AND po.isSynced IS NULL AND po.isSyncedCnt < 10 AND po.purchaserID_FK = ORDER BY po.poID_PK
MySQL Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND i.isActive = true' at line 19
MySQL Error Nr:
SELECT i.insurerID_PK as insurerId, i.insurerName as insurerName, i.clientID_FK as clientID, i.oemList, i.parallellMarkup, i.afterMarketMarkup, i.recycledMarkup, i.recoMarkup, i.oemSelectedOption_FK as oemSelectedOption, i.parallelSelectedOption_FK as paralelSelectedOption, i.afterMarketSelectedOption_FK as afterMarketSelectedOption, i.recycledSelectedOption_FK as recycledSelectedOption, i.reconditionSelectedOption_FK as reconditionSelectedOption, i.isFavourite as isFavourite, i.isActive as active from insurer i where i.clientID_FK is null or i.clientID_FK = AND i.isActive = true
MySQL Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3
MySQL Error Nr:
SELECT clientID_PK as clientId, insurerID_FK as defaultId FROM `client` where clientID_PK=
MySQL Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 5
MySQL Error Nr:
SELECT c.clientName, c.isDisableFingerPrint FROM client c WHERE clientID_PK =
MySQL Error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and fu.isActive = 1' at line 12
MySQL Error Nr:
select fu.fingerprintUserID_PK as userId, fu.firstName, fu.lastName,, fu.mobilePhone, fu.roleID_FK as roleId, fu.shortName, ze.roleText from client_fingerprint_user fu left join zrefemployeerole ze on ze.roleID_PK = fu.roleID_FK where fu.clientID_FK= and fu.isActive = 1;

Message from PartsCheck: **Important Update for Our Valued Clients**: We have been informed of a disruption to Volkswagen Australia's parts supply from February 1 to February 10, 2025. During this time, orders and stock availability will not be possible, impacting all Volkswagen, Audi, CUPRA, and Skoda dealers nationwide. Our dealers sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
Client Info
Email Settings
General Settings
Margin Settings
Password Settings
Data Settings

Client Information
Data Settings

Email Settings

The below addresses can be used to specify where specific incoming emails are delivered.
If you do not specify these email addresses, they will be delivered to your default email address.

General Settings
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Use this option to ignore status updates manually performed in your Quote Package. It is highly recommended to always leave this option set to 'No', however - specific situations require PartsCheck to maintain and update part status' independent of current status in the quote package.
Yes No
This option allows you to price parts as well as create the purchase order record in your quote package only. As soon as the purchase order is created in your quote package, the system will automatically set any further updates to 'Disabled'. This means that any updates in PartsCheck (ie. prices, part numbers, quantities, etc), will no longer be updated into your Quote Package after the purchase order has been created.
Yes No
Special Case for Aftermarket Suppliers, when quoting OEM Parts. When this occurs, selecting this part will automatically use the Dealer List and Dealer Part Number. If the dealer has not submitted prices for this part, this option will not be applicable. For reference purposes, the aftermarket quoted part number will appear in the notes section when you mouse over the part.
Yes No
Set the default selection for sending claim number to supplier. This can be overwritten at the Get Price screen on a per quote basis.
Yes No
Use this option to remove buy and list price from Purchase Order Emails.
Yes No
This will cause the Check Price Screen to display the grid when entering.
Password Settings
Must be 5 characters
Min 1 characters should be digits
Margin Settings

By setting a default margin, this margin is automatically selected on the Get Price screen. This will be attached to the quote and affect the margins on the Check Price screen.

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